Cabo Wabo

Let me give you a quick recap of the last week of summer when we went to CABO!!!

It was one of the best trips we have ever been on and I can't thank my parents enough for taking us. We would recommend Cabo to anyone and everyone it was amazing and we can't wait to go back.

I will give you a play by play via photos!

We made it!

Day #1: Church, laying out, and lots of pictures!

Day #2: The boys went deep sea fishing. So we swam in the morning and then walked to the marina/took an adorable spongebob painted water taxi to go meet them and see what they caught!

Day #3: Dallas and I went Parasailing and it was so much fun!! Dallas brought his GoPro for the trip and it was a highlight of the trip! We were able to get so many fun videos and photos. He is working on his editing skills so a possible trip vid coming soon!

Day #4: The day we made our homemade Pollyanna board! Swimming, football on the beach, and lots of pics!

Day #5: We took a water taxi over the the rocks you see in the background of all our pictures. On one side is Lovers Beach and the other is Divorce Beach haha. We got to snorkel and Max and Dallas were brave and jumped off this huge rock!

 Day #6: I am not sure if this pic was even this night but my Dad had the mariachi band come play at our dinner table every night. the same song. every night. It was called Camisa Negra. Go look it up it is pretty good but I got embarrassed.

 Day #7: Denial we had to come home. Don't worry though Cabo we will be back soon!

xoxo, Carly 

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  1. this seriously looks like the most amazing trip ever. and all of your swim suits are SO CUTE!
