Done and Done.

Ok.... So this project started about 6 months ago. AND IT IS FINALLY DONE!!!

When we bought our place a year ago we knew there were several things that definitely needed to get remodeled. The first on our list was our master bathroom. It was so scary. Neither of us even wanted to shower in the shower scary. We decided to try to do as much of this project on our own (meaning Dallas and his dad Kelly) as possible.

I am not kidding when I say everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. So like I said it was for sure a learning experience for us.

I was so proud of Dallas for getting this thing done and felt an overwhelming amount of love from our extended family throughout the whole process. The list of names we owe thanks to is endless... Dallas's dad Kelly especially, and his grandpa Lynn, and his uncle Mike, and his brother Kimball, and all those other family members that lent us tools... Like I said the list is endless.

We are so happy it is finally done, Let me know how you guys think it turned out.

And for any remodeling tips... don't ask us. Haha. We still have no clue what we are doing.

Oh and just a forewarning... Dallas and I are not interior decorators or have any prior experience with remodeling a bathroom... we like to pretend we are because we love watching Flip or Flop and Vegas Flipping and let's get real any TV show on HGTV. So if you have any advice for us... please pass it along. :)


Ok so it was not this scary to begin with... but close. At this point when I remembered to take the before picture we had taken off the shower walls and the mirror.

xoxo, Carly 

Vanities, sinks, mirrors, and hardware: Ikea.
Toilet, faucets, lighting and shower head: Home Depot.
Glass canisters, glass tray, and towels: Crate and Barrel.
Abstract print, orchids, and frame: Home Goods.
Candle: Anthropologie.
"You, Me, Oui" print and frame: Etsy/Dollar Store. 
Rugs: Target.

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