Farm. Fitz. Fall.

Haha catchy title right?

We recently took an afternoon off and took Fitz to Wheeler Farm, where he loves to see and play with all the animals. It is hilarious.

But it was also beautiful and all the leaves were changing so we took a lot of pictures.

I love fall mostly because I love change. We are constantly trying to change up our everyday routine or even something as simple as trying a new restaurant. Change is good and I truly believe it helps people to grow. When we are exposed to new things or different things we learn more about ourselves. And lately we have learned how we handle things as a couple. This is new. 

Being stuck in a rut is somewhere no one wants to be. So we change. We grow. We adapt to new things. We learn. And hopefully we change a little bit for the better. 

So here is to change and fall. Sorry for the rambles. 

Oh and I think fall is Heavenly Father's way of preparing me for winter. He has to ease me into the cold weather.

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