I recently found myself giving advice to someone I care so much about... and after I gave them this advice I realized more than anything I needed to take my OWN advice. There are basic life lessons we've been taught our whole lives, but sometimes they get forgotten due to who knows why. Here are some refreshers that i've learned as of lately... (you know I love lists):
1. Rely on the Lord. Simple.
2. Keep a constant prayer in your heart. This one is a little more tricky. For me at least because I never quite understood the concept. But, after discussing it with my husband I came to the conclusion that this is unique to each person. For me, it is thinking well of others constantly, wishing well for others constantly, keeping those in need on our minds and in our hearts constantly, and asking the lord what's best before each daily decision is made. Now this is just me, I think our constant prayers differ from person to person.
3. Be kind to EVERYONE you meet. There is always that cheesy quote on pinterest that says you know "be kind to everyone you meet, yada yada something about personal battles yada yada." But let's be real here EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU MEET, is probably trying to work through something, or has something going on in their life that is not super easy. Trials are tricky and we all view them so differently, there is no reason to be mean. So be conscious and be kind.
4. Lose yourself so that you can find yourself. My Dad said this to us tonight. I had to think about it for a minute so go ahead and think... Yep got it. The more I care and more I think about others and try to do for others, the happier I am. It's so simple yet so hard to do. I def need to work on this one. But I can testify 100% that the more I am thinking about Dallas and trying to make him happy, versus focusing on my negatives and things I wish were different, the happier I am.
5. Family is everything. It's the only thing that is eternal. I am so grateful for mine and so happy they are here to hang out with now. It's funny where life has taken us. But I am so grateful we will always have each other. I feel so lucky to be starting my own family with the husband of my dreams, I never knew life could be so good with him in it.
Sorry for the rambles... This has turned into my online journal... and tonight June 20, 2014 is a night I want to remember.
(Here is that quote, it was by Plato... I shouldn't have down played it...)